7 Fast and Effective Tips of Getting Into Ketosis

You’re probably here to learn how to get into ketosis or because you want to speed up the process of entering into ketosis.

Whatever reasons it might be, understand that it’s a bold and beneficial step as ketosis has numerous health benefits.

At its core, ketosis boils down to cutting back on carbs and increasing fat intake; that’s it.

Still, as simple as it might sound, there are things that you can do to get into ketosis easily and quickly.

To help you with that, we’ve prepared this awesome guide below that outline the seven effective tips to get into ketosis.

1. Cutting on Carbs

One of the primary tips that I usually recommend to all those looking to enter into ketosis is to cut back on their carb consumptions. And not just a little, but rather a significant drop in the number of carbs they consume.

In any case, the definition of ketosis is a metabolic state where your body burns fat instead of glucose (sourced from carbs) for fuel. When you’re deprived of carbs, your body has no other option for fuel, and it results in burning fats and proteins.

By and large, cutting down your carb consumption is the greatest tip you can perform to enter into ketosis quickly.

Ideally, you should aim to have 20g of carbs daily, but this unit is personalized as some might achieve ketosis using this number, while others might even take double the amount and still experience ketosis.

Whatever, the case, the basic fact is that you should limit on cutting carbs and more importantly, learn the signs of ketosis.

2. Ramp Up Your Physical Activities

Exercising is energy intensive, and this is to mean that when you engage in rigorous activities, you’ll expend energy, thereby using your glycogen stores.

Typically, the glycogen stores are replenished by using or carbs, or rather when you eat carbohydrates after exercising.

However, when you’re on a low-carb diet, or rather restricting your carb intake as we mentioned above, your glycogen levels will remain low.

In response, your liver generates more of ketones, which will now be used as an alternative source of fuel, and this will help you achieve a state of ketosis.

However, it’s important to understand that it may take some time, roughly 2-4 weeks before your body acclimates to the use of ketones after exercises.

3. Increase Healthful Fat Intake

Pinging back on our first tip; with a decreased carb intake, our bodies tend to shift to using fat as the alternative means of energy.

Therefore, increasing the levels of healthy fat is a good way to achieve ketosis. However, while at it, we insist that you only consume the true healthy fats, which include coconut oils, olive oil, avocado oils, flaxseed oil, among others.

Again, if you’re looking to lose weight through ketosis, it’s also essential that you take into account the number of calories you’re consuming.

4. Use of Keto Supplements

There’s an increased usage in the keto diet and keto supplements, and this is for a good reason.

Keto supplements offer a quick, easy and convenient way of achieving ketosis using proven procedures.

Unlike the other tips on our list, keto supplements come as a complete package, and most importantly, provide the convenience of achieving ketosis.

However, when picking a supplement for ketosis, you need to choose those with excellent review ratings.

5. Maintain High Protein Intake

Proteins are the building blocks in our bodies, and they’re used to build muscles mass.

While trying to achieve ketosis, proteins are of the essence and will help to avoid the mass wasting of muscles.

More importantly, proteins provide the essential amino acids to your livers, and this allows it to continue with normal function.

Remember that the liver is responsible for the production of ketones, and keeping it fully functional is of the essence.

6. Fasting

Fasting is yet another effective way of entering into ketosis.

Fasting entails going without food for several hours, and research finding indicates it can help you go into ketosis in between meals.

Under controlled environments, doctors may also recommend that you go for intense fasting for between 24-48 hours.

Fat fasting is yet another form of fasting that involves cutting down of carb consumption entirely and rather focusing on eating healthy fats for 2-3 days.

7. Test your Ketones Levels and Adjust as Needed

As we hand mentioned earlier, entering into ketosis is a highly personalized approach, and what works for me may not necessarily work for you.

It’s, therefore, necessary that you regularly test your ketones levels, and using the findings, you can adjust our diet accordingly for optimal results.