How to Properly Eat Exotic Food if You Are Not Used to It

Almost everyone dreams of traveling and visiting as many countries as possible. It’s no secret that local cuisine can be very varied and delicious. But what if you are in doubt about how your stomach will react to new delicacies? Does this mean that you need to give up food tourism? Not at all! Here are some top tips to help you find the right approach to tasting local delicacies.

Eat Small Meals

You should order small meals or cut local delicacies into small pieces. The point is that different ingredients may taste too specific, and you will not want to continue tasting. For example, let’s say you feel that you are sick of one kind of delicacy. Then you should stop immediately and order something less extreme.

Find a Way to Neutralize the Spiciness

Many Asian dishes are highly spiced. The fact is that meat dishes can contain larvae and parasites, so spices help kill them and mask any specific taste. But the problem is that an unprepared tourist can face burns in their throat if they eat a very large piece of meat or fish.

Try to eat small meals and have milk, sugar, chocolate, bread, beer, or bananas on hand. All of these foods and drinks can help you reduce pain and burning sensation in your mouth. However, you should understand in advance that you are not a Terminator and cannot cope with such extreme dishes.

Avoid Extreme & Exotic Foods

Balut, Century eggs, Casu Martzu, or Virgin boy eggs are too extreme dishes that you better not taste. It should be understood that the culture and food habits of different world peoples are fundamentally different. Locals can eat rotten meat, eggs, or foods cooked with urine. You don’t have to try this to prove your courage or fortitude. It will be better if you just observe local traditions and customs as a neutral person.

Otherwise, you will have to come to terms with possible food poisoning and a long rehabilitation period. Moreover, the above delicacies can disrupt any student’s plans. However, you can opt for a writing service like Essay Pro and not worry about possible problems.

Eat Exotic Meals Prepared by Professionals

There are many animals, fish, and extremely poisonous birds. It costs one drop of their blood, saliva, or poison to get on your skin or mucous membrane; then a painful death awaits you. A striking example of a deadly delicacy is pufferfish, which the Japanese are very fond of. The problem is that only a master can properly separate special bags with glands and cleanse fillets from dangerous elements.

If you feel an urgent need to try the local cuisine, you should head to renowned restaurants with professional chefs. Only they know how to follow the recipe and avoid mistakes properly. Unfortunately, however, accidents sometimes happen in high-end restaurants, so you have to take all the risks.

Some Food Can Smell Very Bad

Let’s say you want to try durian, Indian plant roots, or Eskimo jerky. First, get ready for the fact that your sense of smell will signal danger to you. Moreover, the pungent odor can cause nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and other unpleasant consequences. So the first tip is to eat the food in small pieces. Then you can close your mouth faster and not smell the dish. Plus, you can cover your nose with your hands or inhale the scent of wild herbs before eating a bite of the local delicacy.

Don’t Forget to Use Toppings and Sauces

Many exotic dishes have a very specific smell and taste. For example, if you eat slightly rotten meat or blue cheese, the taste will be very extreme. That is why you should try these dishes with drinks, sauces, and toppings. Disguise unusual or harsh tastes so that the receptors in your mouth don’t go crazy. But remember that people with gastritis and inflammation of the duodenum should not eat very dangerous foods.

Let the Food Stand Outside for a While

Have you ever heard of Surströmming? This is nothing more than a rotten fish with a pungent and unpleasant smell of rot. At the same time, the structure of the fillet is very delicate and crumbly. Many videos show how hard it is for tasters to endure a pungent rotten smell. Therefore, you should not eat this kind of fish immediately after opening the can. Instead, allow the food to lose some odors outdoors, and you can also rinse the fillets in fresh water to flush out some mucus. Then each bite will be soft and devoid of such a pungent smell.

Final Words

Many foreign dishes can be interesting and even delicious. But you shouldn’t forget the basic tips. Try not to eat ingredients that can trigger food allergies or any seizures associated with the absorption of toxins into the bloodstream. Eat small pieces and follow the rest of the tips so that your trip to another country will be associated exclusively with positive emotions.

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