Fast Food Myths

Fast food is popular in the 21st century as it has many advantages: it’s yummy, we relish such food, so our mood becomes better; we don’t need to cook by ourselves — we can order meals and wait only a few minutes, which is important in our rat race where all people are always in a hurry. But the fact is that fast food is full of myths, and some of them are even more interesting than the ones about Damon and Pythias. So let’s explore them. 

Fast Food Contain Chemicals That Cause Addiction

This rumor desires the first place in this top as it’s the most common in society. The fact is that some Internet users believe that when cooking, Kitcheners add some chemicals that cause an addiction that is the same with drug or alcohol one. People say that it’s the main reason why we like fast food and want to eat it more.

But such a statement isn’t true. This is because foods in large companies are checked for quality by specialized organizations, and when chemicals or other forbidden things are discovered, it threatens the food company with its closure as it’s prohibited to use chemicals that hurt customers’ health. 

Fast Food Is Unhealthy

Some users are sure that fast food is unhealthy and hurts you. But is this statement true? Partially yes, and partially no. Let’s clarify it. 

What fast food usually contains? Let’s see:

  • bread for burgers;
  • salad;
  • meat, typically chicken; 
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • cheese;
  • sauces: garlic one, for example;
  • potato.

So when looking at such a list, it seems that all components of fast food are okay and don’t hurt you. Then, as you see, there aren’t foods that can make you in poor health. 

So the only component that can hurt you is fats. So-called ‘junk food’ contains it in large amounts; as a result, when you eat your favorite burgers or relishing French fries, you obtain much more fats than you have to do. But the fact is that if you know the measure, you won’t get fat. And we can prove it. 

As you know, some students can’t cope with their assignments and in some cases decide to place an order in writing services. They read reviews on different companies, for example, 99 papers, and pick out the one that they like most. And it isn’t something bad to order once or twice — sometimes circumstances don’t allow you to do a paper — but you should know the measure. If you’re a constant customer of writing services, you do a disservice for yourself. 

So knowing the measure and eating the normal amount of fast food, you’ll avoid hurting your health. 

It Causes Obesity

The previous article section enables us to thoroughly understand such a rumor. Yes, junk food contains a lot of fats, but if you don’t pig out, you’ll keep yourself in shape. And vice versa: if fast food is the main part of your daily menu, you can be sure that it’s okay that you become out of shape. 

Fast Food Never Goes Bad

Some people believe that fast food never goes bad and even write about it on their Twitter. Such a rumor is related to McDonald’s burgers as it is considered they contain chemicals that prevent foods from spoiling. But no! Such burgers are without any chemicals. And the study that was underway by Serious Eats confirms that McDonald’s burgers are usual. So there is no point in avoiding eating them or choosing other companies’ foods, for example, KFC or Burger King. 

Fast-Food Jobs Are ‘Teenagers’ Jobs

In the 20th century, teenagers got a job in McDonald’s, and from this time, some people believe that work in such fast-food companies is for young people. But now, in the 21st century, it isn’t so. Instead, young people choose Internet professions or part-time jobs that are related to their future careers. 

Companies Don’t Use Real Foods

One of the common rumors that are spread on the Internet is that companies don’t use real foods. For example, there isn’t chicken in nuggets, or While Castle doesn’t use real onions. There are many studies that confirm the authenticity of foods, so you don’t need to be worried about it. If companies used fake foods, you wouldn’t know about them. This is because they’re controlled by specialized organizations that always check the quality of offered food. 

Therefore, eat fast food without any thought of its components. 

The Bottom Line

So you’ve learned about the most common myths about fast food. Some of them are silly and come without any evidence. For example, some people believe that McDonald’s burgers contain body parts, or meat is made from pink slime. So, analyze all that you hear, be doubtful, and myths won’t become an obstacle for eating fast food.