Healthy, Organized, and Cost-Effective: 4 Tips for Smart Grocery Shopping

Even if you are not feeling the financial pinch, you should still be shopping smart. Saving money on groceries is easy and can free up much needed cash for other utilities, or even better, into a savings account.

There are a few ways you can save money when grocery shopping, let us look at the top four easiest ways to do so!

Coupons and Vouchers

The number one way to save when grocery shopping, is to make use of coupons or vouchers. Check in your local papers and online for food coupons for some of the most popular retailers to start off with. If you have signed up at any of your stores for promotional material, don’t forget to check your junk folder on email for promotions or coupons they might send.

If you have not signed up for marketing materials from your favorite retailer yet, now is the time to do so. Bundling your coupons together often provides a bigger saving when grocery shopping. You do not have to be an extreme coupon-shopper, but cashing in on coupons or store vouchers when possible is a great way to save. Every dollar counts!

Create a systematic way of finding, storing and using coupons. A pouch in your handbag or laptop-bag to keep the coupons in ensures that when you pop into the shops, you have your coupons on your person or in your vehicle. Once you get into the habit of doing this, you can begin bargain browsing, cashing in coupons, and save. It pays to be organized!

Do Not Shop on an Empty Stomach

One of the costliest mistakes you can make is to do grocery shopping when you have not eaten in a few hours! The hunger pangs encourage you to make unhealthy and unnecessary choices that you wouldn’t normally make on a full stomach. It’s science!

Eat a healthy and balanced meal before you do the grocery shopping to avoid adding grocery items you do not need at home to your basket. Shopping after a meal is also a great way to get a physical activity in to avoid feeling sluggish afterwards. Win-win!

Make a List of Items You Need

Before grocery shopping, you should have a list of items you need. Not only does a list force you to stick to buying only the necessities, but it ensures you don’t forget items, which would cost fuel to return to the store to purchase the single item.

If you are on a budget, only buy what is deemed necessary in your fridge and pantry. Do you really need cereal, when eggs and toast will do for breakfast? Buying an indulgent grocery item here and there starts to add up quickly.

Plan your grocery trips properly to save money. Eat a good meal beforehand, make a list, check your fridge and pantry for what you need, and plan your route to include as many stores as possible. One grocery trip saves on fuel too!

Organize Your Pantry and Stay Healthy

Saving is easy with ‘everything in its place, and a place for everything’. If your pantry and fridge is unorganized, you may miss items you currently have and buy more of the same item. This is a cost that you do not need as you will have double of the same product which takes up space and is a financial mistake.

Having a clean and organized fridge is a saving too. Refrigerated foods spoil easily and if they are stored at the very back of a fridge behind various items which are never used, they get thrown in the trash! What a waste!

Organize your pantry and fridge and use this activity to make healthier food choices for you and your family. Do you really need ranch-dressing, or will olive oil and lemon juice do? Healthy, readily available in your home, and delicious.

Think of purchasing cheaper cuts of meat in bulk, frozen vegetable that stay fresh for longer and eggs as an affordable option for protein. Add some healthy fats such as butter and olive oil to your meals to keep you full for longer, provide you with omega fatty acids and cut out snacks that add to your waistline and diminish your bank balance.