How to Make Café Bustelo Like a Pro

Don’t know how to make Café Bustelo like a pro? Let’s make it and delight your coffee sips!

Are you a coffee connoisseur? Then your day must start right when you get your palate a coffee sip. Like every coffee lover, you must be looking for a trendy coffee to bring a slight change to your taste. Well then, Café Bustelo is an ideal choice for you.

Bustelo is a Hispanic coffee with an exciting kick of espresso and Latin taste. It has now become a breakfast trend. A cup full of dark and roasted bold coffee is enough to charge you up in one go. But making the textured brewed coffee sounds a bit tricky.

The first time I tried to brew, my bold cuppa coffee was quite challenging. You have to trust me. As I moved ahead, I ended up with tons of questions. But now, with my repeated efforts, I bet you none can make a better classic dark coffee than me!

When it is about an excellent coffee, you need to be a bit experimenting, instead of a dry run. Well, to make a café style Latin ground coffee like an expert, you need time plus efforts. And a machine to give you the magic you are looking for.

So, let’s begin and learn how to make Café Bustelo like a pro!

Kitchen Appliances

  • An Espresso or a simple coffee maker
  • Mixing containers
  • Coffee filter
  • Teaspoons

Don’t you own an espresso maker? Doesn’t it fit your money range? Stay assured and check here to find the best and in budget espresso machine for yourself!

Basic ingredients

This Hispanic coffee in an espresso style can be made simple or rich in creaminess. Choose your way, but your basic elements remain the same. These are:

  • Bustelo coffee: Make sure you have a strong and brewed coffee. A half-cup will better work.
  • Water: Pour one cup if you are the only one having it. You better follow the water level of the espresso machine.
  • Milk: To make your dark roasted café style Bustelo, you would need a one-fourth cup of hot and frothed milk. It will give you a less bitter but bold taste.
  • Sugar: Add sugar in an amount that suits your preference. But I like it bold, so I toss a little gulp of sugar.

Optional mix-ins

Want to give your coffee a magical touch-up? Then go creative and toss the following additional ingredients in your brew coffee:

  • Caramel sauce: One or two tbsp is enough to make it as a caramel mocha.
  • Chocolate syrup: To make it more chocolaty in taste, add 1-2 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon: It brings an additional roasted flavor. Put a little.
  • Whipping cream: I prefer using chilled and heavy cream of about ¾ cup.

Steps to make bold Bustelo coffee

  • Pour water in the water reservoir of your espresso maker at the back. I would recommend adding six ounces of slightly cold water for each tablespoon of coffee.
  • Pour your coffee into the portafilter container of the coffee maker. If your machine doesn’t have any filter set up, I would say place a filter on its grinding basket.
  • Lock the grinding basket and position your mug below it. Turn it on and begin to brew! It may take about 10-15 minutes, but time somewhat depends on the coffee maker you choose.
  • Your dark coffee is ready. Don’t forget to toss a little sugar.
  • Stir it well with hot milk and serve.

Now, if you want, you can have it this way. Want to add some mix-ins? It’s time to bring a creative touch.

  • Pour some caramel sauce, chocolate syrup, and mix.
  • Mix the Choco whipped cream and put it in the oven to make an even golden color foamy crema.
  • Top it with some cinnamon.

Serve the bold coffee set with a recreation!

Bonus tips to prepare a perfect cup of roasted Bustelo 

I know making a cup of coffee with an exact flavor you desire is not a breeze. But my tips can surely make that happen:

  • Make sure to check how fine is your grounded coffee.
  • I suggest brewing it well. If not brewed properly, you will find an unwanted and extremely bitter taste.
  • If your cuppa lacks a golden or brown crema, your coffee may not taste as bold as a standard Bustelo. So, check this criterion as well.
  • I would ask you to add milk with a smooth texture. Make sure it is hot and mixes well, leaving no coffee lumps.

Well, now you know the exact way to prepare a café style Bustelo right at your home. So, what are you waiting for at this moment? Bring out your espresso maker and let it make you this Latin coffee.

Start your day with this pro like coffee and charge up!

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