Is Kombucha Healthy?

Are you constantly on a quest to find healthy foods and beverages to fuel your body? We all know how important it is to maintain a well-balanced diet filled with healthy choices, but let’s be honest – healthy can sometimes get a bit mundane. Finding new options to bring into the mix can be exciting and just enough to spark your interest and make healthy eating fun.

If you’ve been hearing about one of the more recent trends of Kombucha tea, you may be wondering what it is, and if it would count as a health choice. Not to worry, as we are here to break it all down for you.

What is Kombucha Tea?

Kombucha tea may be entirely new to you and your vocabulary but the tea itself is far from new. In fact, it originated back in 221 BCE in China during the famous Qin Dynasty. So, this tea is far from a current fad or trend, rather it is just building a new following.

The tea is described as a sparkling beverage which is made up of organic acids, polyphenols which are antioxidants, and living cultures. It is a raw and unpasteurized drink and there is a rather unique way of making it. It is made by fermenting sugar and tea, along with SCOBY. SCOBY stands for Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast – it’s what gives the tea its real magic, if you will.

The basic process of fermentation is always the same with kombucha tea, but unique flavors can then be curated. An assortment of fruits, spices, and herbs can be added to make the tea really delicious.

What Are the Benefits of Drinking This Tea?

So, what about the health benefits? Sure, it’s made in a natural way using a fermentation process that has been around for centuries, but does that make it healthy? The short answer is yes, kombucha tea is healthy for you, but it goes deeper than just a quick answer.

Kombucha is great for the digestive system thanks to the bacteria and the yeast that is found in it. The good bacteria work to support your entire digestive system, allowing your body to more easily digest other items. This will help to regulate the PH balance of your digestive system and even help to detoxify your liver.

It is also filled with antioxidants, which are important to help repair cell damage in your body, and can even help to protect from further damage. Also, if you are looking to give your immune system a bit of a boost, kombucha tea is a great way to do so.

What About the Calories?

If you’re actively trying to lose weight, you’re probably mindful of the calorie counts in everything you eat and drink. The good news is that this drink is low in both calories and in sugar, making it an ideal choice.

So, if you’ve been on the hunt for a new and exciting drink that offers health benefits and isn’t too high in calories and sugar, kombucha tea is well worth a try.

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